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Think of a neutron

March 28th, 2006

Johnny Ball is a strong supporter of nuclear energy. And why not? He knows about science him - he did, after all, present a science programme on kids’ tele in the 80s.

But for me, he will always be remembered as popping up in a porn film someone had taped (I didn’t approve and wasn’t watching, of course). 70s wall paper and groaning noises turned into Johnny explaining the benefits of flourescent tubing - it was the most erotic bit. (Someone had pressed the wrong button and started taping over the film - probably their mom had walked in with a cup of apocryphal tea.)

Think of the tubing Johnny! Don’t chase the power, conserve the power - let the power come to you.

Alas the Ball boy has forsaken renewables in the same way most of the European leaders have. Nuclear is the preferred option, it seems, for the future of power provision in the western world. Finland leads the way, apparently. Nuclear is clean, we are told.

But don’t be downhearted, Devon is top in the poorly-performing South West for renewable schemes - according to Regen, the South West Renewable Energy Agency. Devon also has the highest number of renewable heat schemes (120), and is second in the region of installed electricity capacity coming from renewables - 25 MW (I don’t know how much of the total that is).

The Regen press release kindly goes on to say that ‘If we take the example of Devon, the county already has enough renewable energy schemes either currently in planning or at the appeal stage to achieve its own county target of 151 MW of installed renewable electricity capacity by 2010.’

‘Matthew Spencer, Chief Executive of Regen SW, said: ‘New renewable energy schemes continue to be installed in the South West but planning practice means that progress is painfully slow. Some councils are in danger of being complacent about renewable energy generation in the face of rising gas and oil prices and the increasing threat of climate change.

‘The choices councillors face at planning committee are not easy, but they have a duty to reflect the urgent need to generate more green energy in their decisions. The good news is that many counties still have the ability to meet their targets with the schemes that are in the planning pipeline.’

Good news indeed Matthew, but how many of them are in South Devon, and why the penchant for wind? We know that South West MEP and sitter on the energy committee Giles Chichester is dead against wind (because of the inherent inefficiencies), and what about all the other good renewable stuff that’s going on? And talking of wind, how’s the wind trial in Teignbridge going - was that all down to the planners too?

Jonny Ball has a lot to answer for - now turn that light tube on and get to bed!

Posted by C’ptn

Entry Filed under: Society

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