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Not gilt-y?

March 29th, 2006

We should celebrate South Devon building firm Midas Homes. Hurrah! It’s won plaudits and awards for its eco homes in South Molton (North Devon, boo). And we at the People’s Republic of South Devon want to know more - we’ve even asked for an interview, only to hear stony-clad silence.

But what we would ask, as we celebrate the eco achievements, is are any of the eco strategies being employed in the other developments that are going on? Shouldn’t all homes have an eco-responsibility? Is there a danger that ‘affordable housing’ becomes synonymous with ghetto?

Houses make up 50 per cent of carbon emissions, don’t you know. And eco homes would make such a difference to attaining those notional targets that keep on being missed. So why not a push for more of them in the number of houses that we’re told must be built. And isn’t it good old John Prescott who’s telling us to build houses when once he was telling us all to have an ’integrated’ approach to transport. Politicians, don’t you just love ‘em? Wait, maybe I was hasty, I may need to reconsider my position.

A politician closer to South Devon, young Younger-Ross (Lib Dem, Teignbridge) is pushing his party’s green credentials in the face of everyone else being so rubbish. Kudos to you and your kind, Richard, but would you really inhibit economic growth for environmental gains? So how many of those new Midas homes are carrying through on the eco ethos?

Posted by Cptn

Entry Filed under: Environment

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