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Zoo topia

January 9th, 2007

Paignton Zoo Environmental Park has been turning itself into a bit of an exhibition centre, and as you’d expect from somewhere with ‘environmental park’ in its moniker, it’s promoting the use of recycled materials.

Vibrant Rugs and Mediaeval Splendour, which is showing in the zoo’s foyer from January 11 to 26, promises to be one of those colourful cacophony type arrangements and is a collaboration by Torquay-based Petra Turner and up-country-based Jane Jeffs.

The two share a passion for art, colour and recycling, and apparently Petra says the expression ‘making something out of nothing’ sums her up. Make of that what you will.

One of the artists will be on hand every day of the show, which has free entry and is open from 10am to 4.30pm in the zoo’s entrance hall.

Posted by Cptn

Entry Filed under: Environment, Arts

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