posted by Cptn

Are you Keen to be Green? Then pop along to a free event at the Riviera International Conference Centre in Torquay today.
The do is part of the tourism industry’s attempt to square the circle of people wanting green holidays while keeping the spa bath, flat screen tv and patio heaters.
Malcolm Bell, chief executive of South West Tourism, told the PRSD: “With more green certified tourism businesses than any other region in the UK, the South West is already making good progress. However, both as a destination and as individual businesses, we need to get better at communicating this to visitors - telling them what we’ve done and motivating them to join in.”
And who will this motivation come from on the day? Well, Alastair Sawday, the inspiration behind Special Places to Stay, Neil Lewis from Marks and Spencer, on how building ethics into the business can transform how the customer sees you, and Caroline Scarles from the University of Surrey presents the latest national research on how the public feels about greener holidays.
Pop along and see if you can pick up any tips.
April 28th, 2008
posted by Cptn

If Mondays are getting too difficult, maybe it’s time for a change.
Check out our jobs page which features all the latest from, which lately have included an advocacy and campaign monitor for Oxfam based in Ghana, or work for the soil association in Bristol.
And if you’re quick you’ll be able to get your application in for a green workplaces project leader and part-time green workplaces project worker for the South West TUC.
April 28th, 2008
- Paintings by Yvette Martin, inspired by light, shadow and confusion, is on at The Horn of Plenty Country House, Tavistock, until May 1
posted by Cptn
Yvette Martin is a bundle of calm energy, especially when dealing with problems. There’s an issue at her Okehampton gallery on the day of our interview. She’s pragmatic, business-like and her main concern is for the work and the artist.
Two of the ceramic works of Paul Devon have been broken. Throughout the day she checks up on the situation and speaks to the artist, who will pick up the pieces and use them to create something new.
It’s a metaphor that could be extended to the Exeter-born artist herself.
April 27th, 2008
In Search of Happiness
posted by Jess Sains

The University of Plymouth is seeking volunteers for a self-help study, ‘Improving Moods’. Over a two week period participants are asked to mark whether or not the mind exercises given in a workbook levitate their mood.
Is it really that easy? Two weeks of pseudo-psychological self-assistance and you to can be happy. If only you could bottle happiness, you’d make a fortune. We all seek it, so much so we miss it when it is here. We seek money, so we’re not in debt, poor and unhappy. We seek someone to love us, and for someone to love us we need nice clothes and a decent haircut.
Happiness, like thinness, televisions, love, or sofas, becomes a commodity. Being happy is good, being happy is success.
April 26th, 2008
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PDA Phones – The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Ugly Pt2
The weekly technology column from those good people at Plymouth’s Orange Crate
With the main network providers offering at least some PDA option with the majority of their pre-pay contracts, the opportunity to get your hands on one with minimum outlay has never been so realistic. But which one? A few years ago the market was heavily skewed towards the business and enterprise sector, but recent marketing campaigns have ensured the foray of the PDA phone into the world of the home consumer.
This week I’m going to take a closer look at three options available on regular phone provider contracts – The LG Viewty, HTC Touch, and the Apple iPhone. Although these represent a mere drop in the ocean in terms of models available, the likelihood is you’ve heard of at least two of them so it’s as good a place as any to start.
April 25th, 2008
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Nappy time
posted by Cptn

Devon real nappy week ends on Sunday (April 27), and we all know the environmental damage a smelly nappy can make, but it’s those disposable ones that create the real stink.
Bryan Carson, chair of the Devon Authorities Waste Reduction and Recycling Committee told the PRSD the impact that nappies have.
“With over 28 million disposable nappies being thrown away in Devon every year, using real nappies even part time can make a difference and will also save up to 5,600 tonnes of waste going to landfill.
“Most new parents are unaware of the wide variety of washable nappies now available. These modern real nappies are environmentally friendly, economical and easy to use. There is no need for folding, boiling or soaking anymore and pins have been replaced with Velcro and poppers”.
Check out some nappy factoids and how to sort out getting those non-disposables, just part of the Don’t Let Devon Go To Waste site.
April 25th, 2008
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Recyclers in action
posted by Cptn

Huzzah to Devon County Council’s Great Moor House offices, home to the Devon Record Office, whose recycling rates have reached nearly 90 per cent.
The 350 staff recycle all the usual gubbins, as well as old library books, fluorescent tubes and even desks – now there’s bureaux-cracy in action (tee hee).
April 24th, 2008
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East of Exeter
posted by Cptn

A transport exhibition held in a lay-by has the flavour of many an artistic installation, but the Transport Infrastructure Proposals for the East of Exeter will indeed park up in a lay-by just west of the junction of the old A30 (Honiton Road) and B3184 in Clyst Honiton.
It will be open to the public from 9am to 8pm tomorrow (Friday, April 25), continuing on Saturday (26 April) from 9am to 4pm.
The exhibition will show the planned transport and housing for the outskirts of Exeter, adjacent to the M5 and A30 to Honiton.
This is what the press release says: “The infrastructure for the development of the Cranbrook new community, SkyPark, the airport expansion, inter-modal freight terminal, and Science Park, will be constructed in phases. Phase one includes a new rail station, a bypass at Clyst Honiton and improvements to Junction 30 of the M5, all to be delivered through developer funding.
“Phase two is a package of improvements containing major improvements to the A30 at Junction 29 of the M5, closure of the slip roads off the A30 at Blackhorse, and also provision of bus lanes at various locations.”
We don’t know if tea and burgers will be available.
April 24th, 2008
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Dawn Mellor (art feature)
- Vile Affections, Spacex, Exeter, until May 3
posted by Phil Ginsberg
Tony Blair turns his head and stares out at us, his trademark grin on his face. This time, it seems a little more manic than usual. A metal keying brutally pierces the cartilage between his nostrils. Dangling from it, just below his mouth, is a cute children’s toy: Barney, the purple dinosaur and superstar of American children’s television.
Nicole Kidman faces us directly in her portrait. Her hair is dishevelled and her face pockmarked by a vile disease. The look from her right eye is penetrating – her left eye is hidden from view by seven red laser beam-like lines that meet in its centre.
Karl Lagerfeld has been painted from his chest upward, his ponytail, sunglasses and suit immaculate. Let alone the two giant white cockroaches crawling across him spoil the impression. He hardly seems to notice them.
April 24th, 2008
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Plymouth Pride
posted by Cptn
This year, the Plymouth Pride Event will expand upon the LGBT history theme with guest speakers, film shows and a wider input of local LGBT history. Plans are in place to have another Question Time event and to hold a Police Liaison Group public meeting on the day, which takes place on Saturday, June 7 and includes a programme of music and entertainment.
Find out more about the Plymouth Pride Event on the PRSD.
If you feel you would like to contribute on the day contact Mike Hookway (Deputy Chairman & Trustee)
April 24th, 2008
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