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Archive for January 12th, 2007

Brighton rocks!

This year’s Bafta nominees were announced today, bringing fantastic news for a Teignmouth filmmaker. But which one? See D+CFilm for the full story, as well as the usual news, reviews and world-famous (kinda) Arthouse Roundup.

Posted by Thin White Duke

January 12th, 2007

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Are you clear about nuclear?

Europe (no not the dodgy band from the ’80s, the dodgy amalgam of states that developed out of the European Coal and Steel Community in the Treaty of Rome, in 1954 and now with a whopping 25 members - see, that woke you up) has set into play more than 75 measures to limit climate change.

And, according to South West Conservative MEP Giles Chichester’s press release, if successful, in 13 years’ time the EU would be using 13 per cent less energy than today, saving around 780 billion tonnes of CO2 each year, through various means including making better use of public transport, tougher standards and better labelling of appliances, improving the energy performance of existing buildings and making very low energy houses the norm for new builds.

So huzzah. Mr Chichester, chairman of the European Parliament Industry Committee, is a devotee of nuclear energy, and said: ‘I welcome the Commission’s Energy Policy for Europe and support almost every element set out in the document aiming for security of supply and sustainability.

‘But the glaring omission is the inadequate promotion of the role of nuclear energy in achieving these objectives.’

Other nuclear issues doing the rounds at the moment are: the NUJ is balloting members on whether to affiliate to CND, and there is a conference at Friends Meeting House Euston Road, London, on Saturday, February 10, to ensure that decommissioning of nuclear power stations does not increase health risks.

It’s a participatory event to signpost better ways of collaboration and costs money to get in. Contact Alecia Robinson, SERA, 2nd Floor, Downstream Building. London SE1 9BG Tel: 020 7022 1985 for more details. The closing date is the last day of the month.

Hmm, who’d have thought all this gubbins would be going on? So, are you clear about nuclear?

Posted by Cptn

January 12th, 2007

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