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A rock and a hard place

February 15th, 2007

First there were ’super casinos’ now Torbay is pushing for Geopark status - but wait, a geopark isn’t all themed water slides and nacho stores, it’s to do with geology (which isn’t altogether far duller actually).

It will be the second time the Bay area has applied for the moniker, but this time the whole crew is better prepared (erm 40 million years in the making anyone?). The bid has been sealed and sent to the Geopark conference in France.

What happens next?

Good question. Well, the European Geopark Network will meet in April when they will appoint one of their existing members to carry out an inspection visit.  A decision will be reached, and announced at the European Geopark Network conference in September.

In the meantime expect a whole load of geology-based events to be kick off.

Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust Education Ranger Mel Border, who co-ordinated the application, told the People’s Republic: ‘The Trust has planned 26 walks, boat trips and children’s events and many of the partner organizations will be running additional events throughout the summer. While we wait for news of the bid we will also be working to increase the number of school groups taking part in geology based visits, and putting together a new geology trail that will link the four gateway sites; Berry Head National Nature Reserve, the Seashore Centre at Goodrington, Babbacombe and Kent’s Cavern.’

Rock on!

Posted by Cptn

Entry Filed under: Society

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