Archive for October, 2007
The People’s Millions
Posted by Cptn
Connect 2, a project to provide new pedestrian and cycling links that overcome physical barriers such as a river, railway or busy road, is looking for money.
The good people at Sustrans (the sustainable transport charity) came up with the idea and in their search for cash have succeeded in getting Connect2 as one of four projects competing for a grant of up to £50 million from The Big Lottery Fund “Living Landmarks: The People’s Millions”.
In one of those populist moves, the winning project will be decided by a public vote on TV in December. Devon has two schemes out of the 79 Connect2 schemes, one in Newton Abbot and one in Ottery St Mary.
There is a reserve scheme near Bovey Tracey. For details of the schemes go to the Sustrans/Connect2 website ( where you can register your interest and automatically receive updates by email or text, as well as a reminder to get to the goggle-box and vote.
October 31st, 2007
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Foot tapping
Posted by Cptn
The Folk Orchestra of Torbay (or Foot, as they prefer to be known) will be taking its second workshop on November 1 at the Palace Theatre, Paignton.
Foot is looking for any player, any ability, any instrument to go along and play traditional tunes from the South West. There are no auditions and you don’t need to have experience of playing folk music. You just need to be over 14.
Workshop leader David Faulkner said: ‘Folk orchestras are such fun, and it always amazes me just how much music we get to play.’
The workshops are organised by Devon folk arts development charity Wren Music and will run between 7pm to 9pm and cost £7 or £5 depending on your standing in the face of the law.
Further information on the Folk Orchestra Of Torbay is available from Wren Music: email or call 01837 53754.
October 30th, 2007
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RDA away day
Posted by Cptn
The South West Regional Development Agency is stepping out of its Ivory Towers and holding its annual conference in Torquay on Friday (November 2). We don’t know what’s on the agenda, but it might just be interesting and of lasting relevance. Maybe.
October 30th, 2007
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Teardrop explodes
Posted by Cptn
As the USA’s attempt to recognise that ‘the Armenian genocide was conceived and carried out by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923′ and ‘1,500,000 men, women and children were killed’ flounders against a combination of diplomatic pressure and extensive/expensive lobbying, we thought we’d remind you of a stonking story that deals with a Plymouth-based Armenian genocide survivor.
We’ve interviewed author Lisa Glass and we’ve reviewed the book, Prince Rupert’s Teardrop, and we’ve got three signed copies to give away, we just can’t decide on the closing date… but it’s looming.
To get in on the ground-floor of this exciting new talent, just email the subject line Prince Rupert’s Teardrop to (err, and include your postal address in the body of the email), and we’ll put you in an electric tombola to win a copy of this crackin book.
October 29th, 2007
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In the picture #4

Eddie Dyke’s been out and about again, and came across these toad stools with PRSD corporate colours, which oddly reminds us that you can get t-shirts for your Christmas gifts, now that it hasn’t got that much colder.
Eddie’s been doing a grand job filling up our gallery. Take a leaf out of his book and upload your pictures, or you could even send them to , along with any comments, queries, questions and conundrums - or feature ideas, or if you want to write… the list goes on.
October 28th, 2007
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Hedge your bets
Posted by Cptn
As part of Devon Hedge Week, Exeter City Council’s Countryside Service has organised a free guided walk to date a historic hedgerow tomorrow (Sunday October 28) at Barley Valley Local Nature Reserve.
Countryside Ranger Chris Moulton told the PRSD: ‘Hedgerows are sometimes all that remain of vast areas of woodland from the distant past.
‘We shall be showing people the way hedgerows have helped to shape the countryside and wildlife we have today, and they can have a go at dating a hedgerow.’
‘Barley Valley has excellent examples of our distinctive Devon hedgerows and they can be aged according to the numbers of species present, such as hazel, hawthorn and ash,’ he said.
If you’re interested you should meet on Sunday 28 October at 10.30am at the end of Nadderpark Road, Redhills. Take P bus to Nadderpark Road. The terrain at this site is not suitable for wheelchairs or pushchairs.
October 27th, 2007
The LunchBox #5
Posted by freeluncher @ Talking Liberties
I was bunking off school with a mate of mine many moons ago, when we chanced upon a house with smoke pouring out of an open back door. Being young and stupid, we rushed in to find a chip pan on fire and a bloke asleep in a chair. I woke the bloke up while my mate grabbed the chip pan with a wet towel and took it outside. Later in the day we both got into trouble for not being at school! I found out that day that a fire-fighters lot can be an unhappy one, and ever since I’ve felt an automatic sympathy for them. Therefore it is easy for me to extend my support and solidarity to our neighbours in Cornwall as they struggle to fight off attempts by the County Council to cut fire service provision.
Despite a huge campaign by local press, local people, and the fire brigades union, and despite the fatal Newquay hotel fire, the county councillors are still considering these insane cuts, which would leave Cornwall with no full-time fire cover at night. The only concession that the Council has made in response to widespread outrage is to undertake not to make a decision until the beginning of next year. This is behaviour typical of the Tories or even the New Labour Party, but amazingly the County Council in Cornwall which seeks to impose these cuts is controlled by the Liberal Democrats, the alleged “progressive force” in our body politic. And to add insult to injury the Council blames the fire-fighters for the alleged budget shortfall! Their budget report states –
“The Brigade’s projected expenditure in 2007-08 is already in excess of its base budget, requiring that £267,000 of its revenue funding will be provided from reserves. This position largely reflects the unfunded pay increases that were awarded following national industrial action…”
One has to wonder if the County Councillors took their own pay increases into consideration while drafting this budget? No doubt that is different somehow. One could be forgiven for expecting better from the Liberal Democrats, but they have acted no different from their political rivals once in positions of power. This is as true in Cornwall as it was during their time in coalition government in Scotland. And it is this, their policy in power that is causing their poll ratings to plummet, not the personality of their leader.
You can bet your last pound that if these proposals go through in Cornwall, then before long other local authorities, per chance our own Devon, will follow their lead and reduce fire cover at night, risking untold lives, to save a few miserable pennies. Which means Cornwall’s fight is our fight too. The very least we can do is sign their petition against the cuts. The Fire Brigade deserves better.
Sign the petition here.
Further reading –
Calls grow for council bosses to go, from the Fire Brigade Union
Fire brigade union turns up the heat, by Stephen Ivall on Packet News Online
Download the Cornwall County Council’s budget priorities docutment
October 27th, 2007
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That petrol emotion
posted by Cptn
This message spilled across the PRSD desk in a chain letter stylee. We’ve plonked the bare bones of the concept below for you. Purchaser to power is an interesting idea to affect positive change. But we would urge all you guys to use public transport, not just cut down and be selective about the petrol you buy. Who knows, if enough of us queue up at the bus stops, they might start extending the service.
“Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP, we need to take an aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS, not sellers, control the market place.
With the price of petrol going up more each day, we need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not purchasing their petrol. And we can do that without hurting ourselves. Here’s the idea:
For the rest of this year don’t purchase any petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP.
If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers. It’s really simple to do!!
Please hold out until they lower their prices to the 69p a litre range.
It’s easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your petrol at Shell, Asda,Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons, Jet etc. ie boycott BP and Esso.”
October 26th, 2007
Melting Pot redux
Posted by Cptn
Here’s a reminder of when the fun-loving Totnes-based fronted the Melting Pot Live Session last year. Fatlab are famous for their festival performances, and Niki asks the questions to bring you closer to the music-makers. Listen, enjoy and keep that groove on.

People's Republic of South Devon (Melting Pot):
Play Now |
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October 25th, 2007
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Renew the renewable pledge
Posted by Cptn
Who knew the county council had a climate change champion? Well it does, and he ain’t happy.
Devon County Councillor Gordon Hook (said climate change champion) is disappointed by the government’s backtracking on the 20 per cent renewable energy target for 2020 (the new goal is 10-15 per cent).
Cllr Hook told the PRSD: ‘Renewables are the way forward for UK’s electricity supply and the Government must commit to real investment as a matter of the utmost urgency. Tomorrow could be too late. Devon and the south-west peninsula is well placed to exploit wind, wave, tide and sun.’
October 24th, 2007
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