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Posts filed under 'Miscellaneous'

Melting Pot Podcast

Niki’s back and says yah boo sux to the Thin White Duke. AEON was excellent and the bands rocked. Listen to the lady herself offering thanks to all as the Melting Pot Podcast cranks back into gear.

September 6th, 2007

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Silver Surf’s up

Forget all the brew-ha-ha about e-commerce and the other seedy side of the internet (psst - you can now buy ads on the PRSD), the web is all about communication.

Those silver surfers out there are using it to keep in touch with their grandchildren, according to Age Concern, whose Silver Surfer week is set for the stratsophere (virtually speaking) next week.

According to Ofcom, the 65s plus spent more time on the web than those aged 18-24, and these people grew up in a time before ‘old fashioned’ automatically prefixed ‘values’, and when there was discernable political debate. Back to Silver Surfer week, which offers that extra bit of IT support and confidence check out the website (click here).

And if you’re a Silver Surfer who’d like to share their shilling’s worth, get in touch with Posted by Cptn

September 4th, 2007

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Con text

OMG! There is a crisis of communication and communication technology is to blame, according a report from the Confederation of British Industry, as told to us by the Plain English Campaign.

‘Generation text’ (read teenagers) can’t function in the workplace, because they can’t read or write well enough.

There are problems with basic literacy and numeracy, says this business bunch. But more youngsters are more familiar with more technology - it just doesn’t add up!

It’s nuffin to LOL about IMHO!


Posted by Cptn (that’s Captain to you)

August 24th, 2007

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Give chalk a chance

Chalk4Peace, a global, err, chalking event, is taking place between September 15 and 23. It’s a great way to decorate the streets and make a statement. Let’s hope some pavement Picassos make an appearance. Check out the to find out more and organise your street art sit in.
Watch the film to see what a fun event Chalk4Peace is, but oddly the Spirit Jamming stuff at the end left us in a violent rage - go figa.

August 23rd, 2007

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Don’t don’t dance (video)

A level results today! (For our international citizens of the republic, A levels are big exams and passing them is ‘a good thing’ and getting good grades means you can get in to university.)

To defeat the whole trauma of the ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ fascism, we’ve decided to share with you a stunning tune and video from the marvellous electro beat combo that is (one of our favourites here on the PRSD dancefloor).

So, whatever your result, remember just dance, don’t don’t dance!

August 16th, 2007

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Get shirty

It’s t-shirt time, that’s for sure. And those kind cotton cronies at Gossypium are offering one of their wonderfully ethical creations as a prize for all citizens of the People’s Republic (if you’re reading this, you qualify).

All you have to do is email the answer ‘Gordon Brown’ to with the subject line ‘Gossypium’.

And if you order anything from them, just enter the word ‘republic’ on the checkout page to receive your 10 per cent discount.

While you’re in the market for some summer garb, you could do worse than acquire one of your own People’s Republic of South Devon t-shirts.

Posted by Cptn

August 11th, 2007

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Flagging up parks

Get on down to the park. More of them are better than ever before. That’s according to the Green Flag Award scheme, which has had to acquire more flagpoles for the rise in ensigns it’s been giving out.

But before you get cynical and compare the standard or parks to the standard of A-leves, take a walk around them, they really are rather good, with trails, information, sculptures and events.

Here’s a list of the winners within our South Devon aegis.

  • Stover Country Park, Newton Abbot (Devon County Council)
  • Connaught Gardens and Peak Hill Slope,
  • Sidmouth (East Devon District Council)
  • Manor Gardens, Exmouth (East Devon District Council) Seaton Marshes Local
  • Nature Reserve, Seaton (East Devon District Council)
  • Hoe Park, Plymouth (Plymouth City Council)
  • Decoy Country Park, Newton Abbot (Teignbridge District Council)
  • Cockington Country Park, Torquay (Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust)
  • Sherwell Park (Torbay Council)
  • Tessier Gardens (Torbay Council)

Posted by Cptn

August 6th, 2007

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Concert! No, no, no…

Our views on the Girls Aloud/Newnham Park shindig are fairly well publicised - at least, better publicised that the bloody gig itself.

So it comes as no surprise whatsoever that our resident PRSD mole is suggesting the plug has been permanently pulled on the blessed thing.

We know this news will be a crushing blow to all those Girls Aloud/Karrallon fans out there but you can’t say you weren’t warned.

Here’s what we said about it all back in May (MAY!) when the show was merely ‘postponed’:

‘Organisers Edge Promotions apparently have issues with safety and finding enough support bands to fill the day - not to mention, one imagines, the small matter of flogging some 15,000 tickets for the bally thing.

‘Let’s be honest, the shindig seemed ill-conceived from the off. Indeed, regular readers will remember we expressed scepticism about the event in March.

‘Tickets (a snip at £30 - the same price as a ticket to see Prince in London) were available from bizarre places like Digital Knights in Plymouth and the Ayres Sport & Leisurewear store in Tavistock.

‘And the proposed line-up was equally bonkers - with popstars Girls Aloud, Booty Luv and Eton Road mixing it up with the dadrockin’ likes of Boogie Nights, Joey The Lips and Karrallon. We’ve heard of ’something for everyone’ but that’s
just ridiculous.’

We should, of course, acknowledge the fact that at least the promoters were trying to arrange something great for the region and presumably put a hefty amount of wonga into the enterprise.

But, yknow, do it fucken properly next time, yeah?

Posted by Thin White Duke

July 30th, 2007

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Re: verse

There’s more poetry coming to the Exeter Picturehouse on Wednesday, July 25, when Alexis Lykiard will launch his latest poetry collection, Judging by Disappearances.

Already winning critical acclaim, the Exeter-based poet and novelist will be on hand to put his John Hancock on your copy as well as read extracts from the book.

The special launch party is free to enter and takes place in the bar between 7pm and 9pm.

But if you want the low-down on films, check out D+CFilm, for all the gen you would ever need.

Posted by Cptn

July 23rd, 2007

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Reader offer

Long before it became the latest high street ploy (tell that to Asda, Primark and Tesco), some companies were trying to ensure a fair deal for textile workers. One of these was Gossypium.

And those coolest of Lewes cats have offered readers of The People’s Republic of South Devon a chance to win one of their fine t-shirts.

All you have to do is email us the answer to this poser: Who’s the former Chancellor of the Exchequer? (Here’s a clue, it’s the current Prime Minister). Who says we don’t lift the bar of political involvement?

And do not fear, there will be no rigged telephone voting here. Just email with the subject line Gossypium (cool clothes competition is optional), and include the answer in the body of email. It’s that easy.

The first randomly chosen email with the correct answer will be the winner - if they’re all wrong, we’ll re-think. Oh, and the decision of the collective is final. The closing date is Friday, August 17.

In the meantime, have some solace in the extra special 10 per cent discount the nice Gossypium people have offered citizens of the republic. Just enter the word ‘republic’ on the checkout page and voila. If only everything were that simple.
Posted by Cptn

July 23rd, 2007

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Melting Pot

Melting Pot- Studio Sessions


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