Posts filed under 'Environment'
Power to the people
posted by Cptn

It seems ‘the European Parliament has endorsed controversial plans to force huge mainland European energy groups to sell off their power transmission networks and open up the EU market to greater competition.’
And according to South West MEP Giles Chichester, this is a good thing.
He told the PRSD: “Having a fully competitive market is in everyone’s interest. It is in the interest of consumers because it means energy is supplied and delivered at the most competitive rate. It also means an improved service to consumers and that is a very important consideration. In a competitive environment, companies tend to be more interested in helping to solve consumers’ problems than they might otherwise be.”
“But it is also in the interests of the companies. It makes the various players in the market more efficient and hopefully more profitable. It makes a more efficient use of our finite energy resource,” said the MEP, who is on the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee.
“One of our needs in Europe is to be competitive. We need a competitive supply of energy. Energy is the second most important thing in the world after food. It is very important to our standard of life and to our economy. It is essential and as such it should be efficient and it should be competitive.”
May 8th, 2008
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posted by Cptn

Are you Keen to be Green? Then pop along to a free event at the Riviera International Conference Centre in Torquay today.
The do is part of the tourism industry’s attempt to square the circle of people wanting green holidays while keeping the spa bath, flat screen tv and patio heaters.
Malcolm Bell, chief executive of South West Tourism, told the PRSD: “With more green certified tourism businesses than any other region in the UK, the South West is already making good progress. However, both as a destination and as individual businesses, we need to get better at communicating this to visitors - telling them what we’ve done and motivating them to join in.”
And who will this motivation come from on the day? Well, Alastair Sawday, the inspiration behind Special Places to Stay, Neil Lewis from Marks and Spencer, on how building ethics into the business can transform how the customer sees you, and Caroline Scarles from the University of Surrey presents the latest national research on how the public feels about greener holidays.
Pop along and see if you can pick up any tips.
April 28th, 2008
Nappy time
posted by Cptn

Devon real nappy week ends on Sunday (April 27), and we all know the environmental damage a smelly nappy can make, but it’s those disposable ones that create the real stink.
Bryan Carson, chair of the Devon Authorities Waste Reduction and Recycling Committee told the PRSD the impact that nappies have.
“With over 28 million disposable nappies being thrown away in Devon every year, using real nappies even part time can make a difference and will also save up to 5,600 tonnes of waste going to landfill.
“Most new parents are unaware of the wide variety of washable nappies now available. These modern real nappies are environmentally friendly, economical and easy to use. There is no need for folding, boiling or soaking anymore and pins have been replaced with Velcro and poppers”.
Check out some nappy factoids and how to sort out getting those non-disposables, just part of the Don’t Let Devon Go To Waste site.
April 25th, 2008
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Recyclers in action
posted by Cptn

Huzzah to Devon County Council’s Great Moor House offices, home to the Devon Record Office, whose recycling rates have reached nearly 90 per cent.
The 350 staff recycle all the usual gubbins, as well as old library books, fluorescent tubes and even desks – now there’s bureaux-cracy in action (tee hee).
April 24th, 2008
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What on Earth
posted by Cptn
It’s Earth Day today, and if you fancy something a little more stimulating than just lying on it you could pop along to the free screening of Escape from Suburbia tonight at the Jill Craigie Cinema in Plymouth University’s Roland Levinsky Building.
It is billed as a ’sobering yet vital and ultimately positive exploration of what the secnod half of the Oil Age has in store for us’.
Doors open at 6pm for the 6.30pm start (running time 95 minutes)
Get a taster of what the Escape from Suburbia people were up to in California, above.
April 22nd, 2008
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Sundial stall

The Plymouth Environment Centre will have a stall at Sundial Square for Earth Day from 11am to 4pm on Saturday (April 19), there will be live music and a puppet show.
If you can help out for a couple of hours or even all day contact Adriana
April 16th, 2008
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What a way to go
posted by Cptn

It’s a busy week ahead for the Plymouth Environment Centre.
The gang is gauging interest in a clothing and book exchange (and trying to take a straw poll of those who would consider going along or help get it organises).
Friday night is film night, with a showing of What A Way to Go at Devonport Lecture Theatre Portland Square, University of Plymouth Drake Circus, doors 6.30pm for 7pm. The film is followed by a discussion.
This is followed by the Earth Cafe at the Cellar Bar, Fortescue Mutley Plain, Plymouth
£1 on the door (buffet £4). Food is served from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and there will be music from 9.30pm to 10pm then 10.30pm to 11pm.
Check out the Plymouth Environment Centre’s events page for more, and have a look at our brand spanking new calendar to remind you what’s going on.
April 14th, 2008
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Wave goodbye
posted by Cptn

The plans for the Wave Hub off Cornwall’s north coast – the first of its kind in UK waters and intended to ‘allow commercial exploitation of wave energy’ – has been put back a year to spring 2010 because of value for money issues.
Nick Harrington, general manager for the Wave Hub project at the South West RDA, told the PRSD: “We have reached the end of the tender process for the design and construction of Wave Hub and are disappointed that we have had to withhold the award of the contract.
However, we were not content that the two tenders received following an advert in OJEU offered sufficient value for money. We had hoped to have the project in the water late next year but as a result of the disappointing response from the market and the long lead in time to design the equipment, we have now decided to push back its installation to spring 2010.
“We will now use the additional time available to us to review the procurement process and the detailed design to establish the most cost effective way of delivering the project. We aim to complete this review within the next three months.”
April 9th, 2008
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Climate Change centre rebuffed
posted by Cptn

The plans for a Climate Change Solutions Centre at Seale-Hayne have had the door closed on them, despite the support of Devon County Council, who had offered up to £2 million for the purchase of the Seale-Hayne farm, according to the campaign’s press release.
“Despite this setback we have tremendous local support for this project and will continue our efforts to establish a Climate Change Solutions Centre for the South West,” Victoria Whelan, the campaign’s media co-ordinator, told the PRSD.
At the moment the Climate Change Solutions Centre campaign is continuing its push for a presence in the South Devon area.
• Get a free energy monitor for your home.
April 8th, 2008
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Fly the co-op
posted by Cptn

Plymouth Environment Centre is looking into organising a local food co-op.
Items will be sourced from Essential Trading and delivered to an address in Efford, where they will be collected.
If you are interested, let them know.
April 6th, 2008
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