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Posts filed under 'Society'

Rights on

Posted by Cptn

Next time you’re shopping, thinking that the FairTrade option is a middle class affectation, bear in mind that in 2006, 144 trade unionists were murdered for defending workers’ rights, while more than 800 suffered beatings or torture.

These figures are provided by a worldwide survey by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and show an increase in anti-trade union violence, with the number of murders rising from 115 in 2005 to 144 in 2006. These guys’ survey with case studies and videos of reports on trade union murders can be found on their website.

October 10th, 2007

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Join the revolution

Posted by Cptn

It’s Monday morning, and you hate your job.

The People’s Republic of South Devon is looking for a dedicated Sponsorship Aura Manipulator (that’s ad rep to you) to assist in the major development plans we have.

You’d be working across this site and Devon and Cornwall Film, as well as a couple of print titles.

Basically, we need some people to help get the money in and blag stuff for good causes that we think we should help.

Unless you’re good at getting the money in, we can only offer the moral highground - which the successful candidate will already inhabit.

Pass the message on, and write to

October 8th, 2007

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In the picture #1

Posted by Cptn and Eddie Dyke

A very old steam engine on overgrown tracks

Eddie Dyke has been out taking snaps which give us a different perspective on the environs of our glorious Republic.

This is the first of our weekly In The Picture series.

This is a steam engine at Newquay on the Devon side of the Tamar. It was a mine and river port which was abandoned in 1902 (ish).

For more pictures, visit the gallery.

October 7th, 2007

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The LunchBox # 2

Posted by freeluncher @ Talking Liberties

A hardy band of Devon and Cornwall citizens travelled to Scotland last week in order to participate in the Big Blockade of the Faslane Nuclear Submarine Base, which had been called to mark the successful completion of the Faslane365 initiative, a year long attempt at disrupting the Base’s operations by scores of different groups employing scores of different tactics.

While there we saw much that inspired us.

We saw the arrest of over 170 people for peacefully using their bodies as an extension of their consciences.

We saw MP’s, monks, and Ministers of the Cloth make common cause with anarchists, atheists, and clowns.

We saw old ladies in wheelchairs being carted off by palpably embarrassed Police Officers.

We saw Policemen tapping their feet to the music of Seize The Day.

We saw joyful defiance, love, respect, and a steely determination that no amount of repression can destroy.

And we saw the need to have this sort of energy and vitality for the campaign against the nuclear dockyard here in Plymouth, before it is too late for all of us.

Devonport 365, anyone?

For more information check out the home page of Faslane 365 and the blockade reports.

October 6th, 2007

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Charity calls

Get down to your nearest Vodafone shop and tell them what you’d do with £10,000 to unlock the potential in young people, because ‘Over the next three years The Vodafone UK Foundation will donate £500,000 to Vodafone retail stores across the UK to encourage fundraising and charitable giving at a local level’.

Each regional outlet will pitch for its own grant idea, and applications will be made in January. So pop down and have a word in their oyster shell-like.

Find out more at the Vodafone Foundation site.

Posted by Cptn

October 3rd, 2007

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Community Kitty

You’ve got until October 10 to work out why your community-based project should get a grant of between £50-£500 from the UK Villages Community Kitty.

In the past, the fund has awarded grants for projects ranging from a knitting circle, toys for a playgroup and support for several village halls and playing field committees, as well as a number of heritage projects.

For more details go to the Community Kitty cat website.

Posted by Cptn

October 1st, 2007

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The LunchBox # 1

In the same week that Gordon Brown ditched his pretensions to socialism by glad-handing Lady Thatcher at 10 Downing Street, I became aware of the existence of a group called the Socialist Health Association.

According to their website, the SHA exists to: ‘promote health and well-being, social justice, and the eradication of inequalities, through the application of socialist principles to society and government.’

And to which end it: ‘is affiliated to the Labour Party, the only political organisation which is prepared to entertain this agenda, and which has any prospect of delivering it.’

The SHA is currently involved in an attempt to re-model Clause 4 of the Labour Party’s constitution, in order to stress the party’s (cough!) ‘democratic socialism’.

This, presumably, is the same ‘democratic’ party that holds a majority in the UK government, despite the fact that about two-thirds of the electorate did not vote for them.

And the same ’socialist’ party that takes donations from venture capitalists, participates in imperial wars of aggression, sells arms to dictatorial monarchies, pushes NHS privatisation, and is presiding over an ever-increasing gap between rich and poor.

The SHA would appear to be living in a fantasy land if they believe the UK Labour Party can be described as ‘democratic’ or ’socialist’.

Despite their worthy aims (and they are indeed worthy), the SHA – like the Trade Unions – is doing more harm than good to the cause it espouses by its continued affiliation with the morally bankrupt and increasingly Thatcherite Labour Party.

If the SHA placed any real value on its professed ’socialist principles’, it would have disassociated itself from the Labour Party a long time ago – like most socialists already have.

What price a principle?

Posted by freeluncher @ Talking Liberties

September 29th, 2007

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For you drama types

We’ve been asked to highlight some of the great opportunities for all you drama types out there, so if you’re into performing arts and are a theatre maker or practitioner, read more below the line, fill in the details and get involved. You’ve only got yourself to blame.

The P2P workshop programme is a series of skill development workshops delivered by practitioners for practitioners. Delivered by Exeter’s ScriptunScript and Dartington’s Creative Enterprise, P2P has three main aims:

1. To invest in the south west’s performance artists by creating paid opportunities to disseminate practice.

2. To deliver a range of skill development workshops that offer great value for money.

3. To create a workshop network that supports career development and promotes collaboration.

P2P is in its second phase of development. Please find below a brief questionnaire that will help to shape the P2P workshops. I’d be grateful if you could fill in this in and return it to us so that we can better understand what you need from the programme.

If you have any questions about P2P or would like to submit a proposal, please contact Madeleine on .


Madeleine Vose
Artistic Director
ScriptunScript / Theatre Upstairs.
Cat Radford
Creative Enterprise Advisor
Dartington Creative Enterprise
Dartington College of Arts
t. +44 [0]1803 861783
f. +44 [0]1803 861685
1. Please give a brief description of your area of theatre or performance practice:
2. What stage in your career do you consider yourself to be? (please choose one only)
Student/training Emerging Established.
• 3. Are you interested in P2P as
A participant A facilitator
4. Which of the following areas would you like to see explored?
Planning/Delivering workshops Cross collaborations Directing
Voicework Applied drama Drama therapy Devising
Women in Theatre Movement/dance Comedy Mask work
Other: (Please specify)_________________________________________

5. As a participant, which of the following brackets represents good value for a one day workshop in an area of interest to you?
£5 - £15 £16 - £25 £26 - £35 £36 - £45
6. If you are a facilitator, what would you normally charge for a one day workshop?

7. The workshops are planned to take place between mid October and early December. As a participant, would you prefer to attend on
a weekday or a weekend?
As a facilitator, would you prefer to work on

a weekday or a weekend?
Thank you for your help. We will be contacting you again soon with more details of the P2P programme. Please add your details below and email your responses to :

Postal Address:
dca’s mission is to be at the centre of education, research and development in contemporary performance arts and provide opportunities for creative contributions in a changing world.
We provide teaching, research and reach out to business and the community in the fields of arts & cultural management, choreography, music, theatre, visual performance and writing.

September 27th, 2007

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Now you’re Talking

Remember we told you about Talking Liberties - a rather excellent bloggy site with a winning line in righteous outrage? You know, the site that gave a Mendacity Award to the Plymouth Herald’s Tristan Nichols?!

Well, from Saturday, the person behind Talking Liberties, is gonna be scribbling a weekly column for PRSD.

Yes, there may be no such thing as a free lunch but there’s definitely a freeluncher (in lower case, if you please), and he’s mad as hell and writing for the People’s Republic.

Don’t get us wrong, there’s still plenty going on over at Talking Liberties. It’s just we wanted a slice of the freeluncher magic for ourselves.

We think he’s great and reckon you will too. Check out his first column on Saturday. It’s gonna be the talk of the bloody town!

Posted by Thin White Duke

September 26th, 2007

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All included

Oh, how we’d like to be bring you the exclusive on the new word on inclusion - but it seems it’s already on the Open Hearts Open Minds site.

Billing itself as ‘a fresh perspective on how to make a difference’ and saying there’s ’something for everyone, whether inclusive working is written large in your job title or not’. Job title? Now who’s being exclusive?

It’s worth a look just to remind yourself of what inclusion actually means even if that does mean dodgy exercises with pieces of paper pinned up to make a ‘wall’.

Posted by Cptn

September 25th, 2007

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