Posts filed under 'Miscellaneous'
posted by Cptn

If Mondays are getting too difficult, maybe it’s time for a change.
Check out our jobs page which features all the latest from, which lately have included an advocacy and campaign monitor for Oxfam based in Ghana, or work for the soil association in Bristol.
And if you’re quick you’ll be able to get your application in for a green workplaces project leader and part-time green workplaces project worker for the South West TUC.
April 28th, 2008
Sundial stall

The Plymouth Environment Centre will have a stall at Sundial Square for Earth Day from 11am to 4pm on Saturday (April 19), there will be live music and a puppet show.
If you can help out for a couple of hours or even all day contact Adriana
April 16th, 2008
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Brief encounter
posted by Cptn

The city of Exeter has bid farewell to at least some of the wind beneath its wings.
Liz Harkman, arts event and festival officer for the council, is stepping up-country to Bristol to put her footprint on the prestigious Encounters short film festival. Without wanting to use words like ‘tireless’ or ‘dedicated’, let’s just say Liz was good for the republic and we will miss her. Also there’s a certain amount of kudos in landing a job with ’short’ in the title – really, how much time can it take?
April 12th, 2008
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Thinking of poo
posted by Cptn

Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a poo card. Our friends over at the Exotic Paper Company (remember they offered y’all a special PRSD reader deal a while back) have got a handmade Ellie Poo card and gift pressie for your loved one this Valentine’s Day. Pop on over and check out their site, and lo, they have Rhino poo paper now too… (and you can make up your own jokes).
February 1st, 2008
Go West of the Exe
posted by RAMM

‘Living Here… West of the Exe’ celebrates sense of place. It is all about uncovering what is special in Exeter on the west side of the river. In days gone by St Thomas, Exwick, Cowick and Alphington were places in their own right, set apart from Exeter by the River Exe. Each ward has its own history and identity. Today they are neighbourhoods in a growing city. This Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM) initiative includes partnerships, events, activities and a new interactive website.
The Living Here website is interactive. People are invited to share stories, memories, snapshots, research and observations of life in those neighbourhoods. It is both a virtual museum and a shop window to promote and celebrate activities taking place in the ‘real’ world, west of the Exe. It’s also a great way for RAMM to keep in touch with the community while the museum building is closed for major refurbishment.
Community contributions, sharing, discovery and queries are starting to build up since now. The site is still ‘under development’ but is live and available for a sneak preview. More functionality will be added and a few tweaks made before the official launch in early spring. Living Here is intentionally eclectic and maybe a little quirky. Visitors to the site are unlikely to agree with everything they find, but a range of views makes for an animated and interesting experience.
Sarah Scaife, the RAMM Curator of West Exe to the PRSD: “The site is about local history and much more. You’ll find pieces on wildlife, the landscape, art, and activities. It’s a place for communities to share, discover and debate. Have a look and see what you think. Enjoy browsing the site and watch it grow over the coming months. We’d be glad to hear your comments.”
January 30th, 2008
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Learn European
Posted by Cptn
Roll up, roll up for the true European experience.
Good ole MEP egg, Graham Watson (a former banker, donchaknow - no Limericks, please) is inviting teachers to join in the study tour to Brussels next March to see how the main EU institutions work.
But get your skates on, there are just 30 places at the subsidised rate of £59 (for lecturers and teachers) for the study tour, which is organised the the European Atlantic Movement.
The smorgesbord of events on offer includes a trip to the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, the Estonian Embassy, the Council of Europe and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (spot the odd one out).
If this has just whetted your appetite for getting to grips with these institutions which shape our daily life, then give Antony Frost a bell on 0118-926-2858 or email him on .
December 6th, 2007
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Write from the heart
Posted by Cptn
To all you writers out there, of which there are many, Impress Books (based at Exeter University’s Innovation Centre) has teamed up with the university’s creative writing centre to pluck new talent from the ether to offer a publishing contract.
The winner will be announced Monday December 3, and they’ll get a £500 advance plus a publishing contract.
Why are we telling you? Well, we’re always after new writers at the PRSD. We can’t offer anything like £500, but we don’t have the strictures of being confined to university students on creative writing courses either. And we might be your way to the, err, big time. All you have to do is write well on any number of topics.
For more information, and to send your musings, point your e-epislte software to
November 29th, 2007
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Purse strings
Posted by Cptn
Oh, how we could fall into those gender stereotype-type gags, but we won’t because this is the PRSD. Exeter University is looking for unmarried heterosexual couples to take a survey on how they spend their money, what it’s like living together and other ‘relationship stuff’ for a study into money, relationships and the law. Go to the Exeter University School of Psychology for more.
And you could win a £50 Amazon voucher.
See, no dodgy gags.
November 26th, 2007
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You need hands (video)
October 5th, 2007
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Allez ons
Vive le Revolution!
The new term of the Alliance Francaise d’Exeter et Dartington rolls into action tomorrow. As ever, we at the PRSD are keen to celebrate our multi-culturalism, and with the Alliance putting on events about les Surréalists and le shopping, maybe it’s not as hard as UKIP would have you believe.
For more point your ordinateur to their website.
Posted by Cptn
September 23rd, 2007
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