Archive for April, 2007
Volunteering information
Picture this. You’re a silver surfer who’s just retired but wants to remain active. And it stands to reason you’d like to ‘give a bit back to society’, being a PRSD reader and all. But what to do?
Well, Sharon Woodhams, from the Royal National Institute of the Blind no less, has got in touch looking for someone to join their senior volunteers team.
Sharon told PRSD: “This role would be ideal for someone who wants to continue to use the skills they learnt through their working life and give a bit back to society at the same time.”
The position requires a commitment of at least two days a week and duties will include supervising a number of volunteers, booking and running collections at local supermarkets and occasionally arranging small community fundraising events.
Access to a car is essential, but mileage costs and out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed. To find out more, contact Sharon on or email .
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 30th, 2007
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Spidey sense
Our chums over at D+CFilm are getting pretty excited about Spider-Man 3 being released next week.
So much so, they’re running a five-part interview with director Sam Raimi next week, leading up to the movie’s release on Friday. He goes into some detail about making the film, working with the cast and, erm, photographing sand.
Of course, they’ll still be bringing you all the local movie news fit to print and their world-famous (nb. this is not actually true) Arthouse Roundup.
So check out D+CFilm tomorrow for part one of the Raimi interview. In the meantime, click here for more details and to watch the Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 29th, 2007
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Gift of the garb
It may come as a surprise, especially given our hip’n’swinging PRSD T-shirts, but we actually know very little about the world of fashion.
But as our dear old mudder used to say about art (and indeed literature, films and music), ‘we don’t know anything about it, but we know what we like’.
Which is why we like (recycled) fashion boutique Diva, of Totnes and Torquay, and its new website
The site offers a mix of labels for women aged 30+, as well as individual vintage pieces for that, shall we say, ‘unique’ look.
It’s all the work of mother and son team, Angela and Aron Hosie, who opened their first shop in Totnes High Street some 20 years ago.
Angela told PRSD: “The majority of online shopping seems to cater for either extreme high fashion or top-end designers. We’ve tried to create a range which is stylish yet accessible and wearable too.
“Our aim is to be a grown-up site with grown-up fashion for the grown-up woman. We handpick pieces which are flattering on the female body rather than being just garments for the sake of current trends and fashion.”
Labels currently available on GetMyFashion are Avoca Anthology, Out of Xile, Marilyn Moore, Jackpot, French Connection, Great Plains, Firetrap, Full Circle, Diesel, Thomas Burberry, Sandwich, Farhi by Nicole Farhi, Jolie Mine, Nougat and Converse.
Which is all Greek to us, quite frankly.
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 29th, 2007
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Watch Kolo

Fantasmagoric? You decide when you watch Kolo on in the at the Music Mill Studio, Newton Abbot.
April 28th, 2007
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Pressure points
According to new figures, citizens of the People’s Republic have the UK’s highest incidence of undiagnosed high blood pressure.
That’s bad news because anyone with hypertension (as the boffins like to call it) is several times more likely to have a stroke.
This startling statistic comes from The Stroke Association, based on the results of nearly 20,000 readings taken nationwide.
The South West came top of the table with nearly 30 per cent of those tested unaware that they had high blood pressure, closely followed by East Anglia and the Home Counties. The national average is just under 25 percent.
That’s why the charity is urging the public to get tested and avoid becoming a statistic of the UK’s third biggest killer.
Working in partnership with Rotary International, The Stroke Association is launching its annual blood pressure campaign with a series of testing days across the country.
These will offer free checks together with advice on stroke and its prevention to people of all ages.
Most, but not all, will be taking place today. For further details, visit the Rotary website.
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 28th, 2007
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Paignton the town red
Hullo viewer, Thin White Duke here. We were just wondering if you fancied a Bit On The Side?
If so, get yourself to Paignton this very evening for the first-ever Aeon Indi sesh, and catch PRSD Melting Pot faves Nixon And The Burn, Supenik and Memo in action.
The Bit On The Side ‘joke’ refers to the venue, of course, rather than a complicated dalliance with Emma from accounts (our wife doesn’t understand us, we haven’t had sex in months, etc).
Bit On The Side is next to The Old Palace Theatre – though it’s probably easier to just follow the ramalama rock sound as it swaggers down the high street.
We’ll be there, wearing a pink carnation and carrying a copy of The Times.
Aha, not really – Paignton’s bloody miles away!
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 27th, 2007
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A beautiful friendship
If you’re thinking the problems of three people aren’t worth a hill of beans in this crazy world, you may be right. Pop over to D+CFilm arthouse listings to find out what you can do about it.
April 27th, 2007
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Working model
Trade unions in the People’s Republic are calling on MPs and employers to formally commemorate the two million people killed globally each year as a result of work.
For while April 28 has been designated International Workers Memorial Day by trade unions worldwide since 1990, the UK Government has failed to mark the occasion.
Now the TUC is urging MPs to back calls for formal recognition of the day - both to remember those who died and to ensure such tragedies are not repeated.
South West TUC’s Nigel Costley told PRSD: “On Saturday we’re remembering the dead and fighting for the living. We think the best way to do this is by campaigning for stricter enforcement with higher penalties for breaches in health and safety laws.”
Health and Safety Executive figures show that last year 220 people died of injuries sustained at work, while almost 1,900 died of asbestos cancer mesothelioma and 6,000 from all occupational cancers.
Estimates by other authorities put the figures much higher - 50,000 deaths for illnesses caused or exacerbated by work - while the HSE statistics omit the largest cause of work-related deaths: road traffic accidents which involve people driving as part of their work.
Nigel Costley said: “Whatever the true figures, the fact is that work has a major effect on public health, injury and death, and a great deal more needs to be done to prevent this.
“The costs of work-related ill-health, injury and death are borne by the individuals, their families and the state and not by the employers who caused the problems.”
The TUC hopes MPs will sign an Early Day Motion calling on the Government to formally recognise International Workers Memorial Day, and hopes employers will allow their staff to hold a minute’s silence on the day, as well as working more closely with union-trained health and safety reps.
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 27th, 2007
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Business deal
A support programme for disabled citizens interested in starting their own business will be launched on Friday by disability charity Leonard Cheshire in partnership with Barclays.
The Ready To Start initiative offers support and training to help 600 disabled people nationwide realise their ambition of starting their own business.
The local launch will take place at Plymouth Pavilions from 11am and will be attended by Councillor Michael Fletcher, the Lord Mayor and Ms Sally Cresswell, the Lady Mayoress of Plymouth and Linda Gilroy, MP for Plymouth Sutton.
Disabled people interested in finding out more, should contact Ready To Start coordinator Johnny Coleman on or .
More details are available on the Ready To Start website.
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 26th, 2007
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Reel busy
Ecky thump, it’s been all go over at D+CFilm. But don’t video your kids fighting cos you missed it all - we’ve cherry-picked the best movie-type stories from round the region and listed them below.
1. Julien Temple ‘turns rebellion into money’ jibe
2. Poshos pay to watch ‘glorified telly’ bobbins
3. ‘Homoerotic scrapping’ frowned on at film club dismay
4. Festival premieres movie with ‘unpronounceable name’ blather
5. Documentary leaves you ’shocked-shocked’ shock
That’s all for now, folks. What’s this doohickey? It’s a brassiere!
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 25th, 2007
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