Telly good show

Hullo viewer! Just a quick note to let you know the new episode (or webisode, if you will) of Melting Pot TV is online tonight at 8pm - and it should be a real doozy.
Brought to yous by the PRSD, Spectral Workshop TV and Aeon, the new show will feature top-notch drum’n’bassery from Dartmoor’s Obedientbone.
Click the sexy artwork to catch up with previous Melting Pots and to watch Obedientbone in action.
When we say ‘Drum’, you say ‘Bass’. Drum? Drum?! Oh, please yourselves.
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 6th, 2007
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Who let the dog tags out?
There’s great news this week for people who want to save the world while looking like a cock. No, we’re not talking about PRSD T-shirts, we’re talking about War Child dog tags, available now from all good HMV stores in the People’s Republic.
War Child and HMV want to sell some 100,000 dog tags to protect kids living in some of the most acute war zones in the world - and hey, if punters happen to pick up an album or two while they’re at it, more’s the better, right?
War Child’s Mark Waddington says: “Everyone who buys and wears one of these dog tags is taking a position against the prosecution of war on children and making the statement that they are not going to stand for it.
“At less than the price of your favourite monthly magazine, the profits - up to £1.54 per dog tag - will go to support projects to help street children, child soldiers and children held in prison.”
The tags cost £2 and are emblazened with the War Child Music logo and the words ‘your war is not with me’ - yknow, just in case George Bush is walking past wondering where his war is.
Far be it from us to suggest you skip the smug ‘I’ve given War Child two quid’ necklace and send the charity a fiver instead. Now, that’d be too easy, wouldn’t it?
Posted by Thin White Duke
April 6th, 2007
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